The Programs of The Future of Hope

Orphans Teach Orphans

Orphans Teach Orphans is a program focused on equipping young orphans so they help others. This program targets any out-of-school orphans, child-headed families and orphanages.

We want to break the cycle of poverty in orphans and prepare them for safe adulthood to ensure that their offspring are not growing up in poverty and or as orphans.

Mentors and Grandmothers

This program mobilizes community young women and grandmothers and equips them with skills to help taking care of orphans and vulnerable groups and midwives (enablers of change) of the overall communities.

Through this program, we want to reactivate the strong sense of community's responsibility in raising children and taking care of the weak, the spirit of UBUNTU and a safe and inclusive space for the manifestation of hopes and dreams of all.

Sustainably Feeding Ourselves

Feeding Ourselves is a program aimed at equipping people with the skills to go beyond just the right to food to sustainably feeding themselves with quality, healthy and nutritious food. The program comprises an exploration of sourcing/production and processing/preparation of food practices that are most ideal and sustainable in view of the challenges that face our world today. Through this program, we want to redefine waste, food production processes, how and what people eat. 

Nature & Farm to Market

This program is focused on responsibly gathering from nature's abundance and sustainably farming produce and processing products for the market. Generating value is key in convincing people to be good custodians of their local biodiversity. Through our program, and in collaboration with some of the best influencers in food from across the globe, we want to champion best practices for sustainably generating value from nature and farms and creating market linkages to benefit overall ecosystem of the communities we work in.

To make this program strong and more meaningful, HOPEFOOD Pvt Ltd was created to facilitate market linkages for all produce coming out of this program.

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